Hulbert Trendfollowing Article

In his recent column, "Reports of it's Demise Were Premature", Mark Hulbert examines the historical track record of the 39-week moving average:The study was conducted by Ned Davis Research for Israel-based Psagot Mutual Funds, which shared the study with me. The study encompassed the period from late 1979 and until last week, over which time buying and holding the...

Let Seth Klarman Manage Your Portfolio

Seth Klarman is profiled in this recent article from the NYTimes titled, "Manager Frets Over the Market, but Still Outdoes It". Klarman returned 22% last year while holding HALF his portfolio in cash. From the NYT article:Mr. Klarman’s record has generated intense loyalty from investors. Since he began Baupost in 1983, it has posted an average annual total...

The Apprentice – Omaha

If you haven't heard, Warren Buffett (76) is beginning the process of finding and grooming his replacement. In the Berkshire Hathaway annual letter to shareholders, Buffet states:"At our October board meeting, we discussed that subject fully," Buffett said. "And we emerged with a plan, which I will carry out with the help of Charlie and Lou. Under this...

The Little Stock that Beats the Market

Back in early February I penned a post focusing on the methodology of Joel Greenblatt, author of "The Little Book That Beats the Market" and manager of super-successful hedge fund Gotham Partners. At the time Greenblatt only owned 4 stocks, and his sister (who runs Saddle Rock) only owned two. Between the two of them, the Greenblatt's...

The Singularity is Near! ! !

But, in the meantime, he's busy running a quant hedge fund.FatKat - Financial Accerlerating Transactions from Kurzweil Adaptive TechnologiesFortune article here.

Creative Capitalism

I just finished reading "Founders at Work", a highly recommended book comprised of interviews with many successful entrepreneurs who founded companies such as Paypal, Hotmail, etc. It is written in a similar style as Market Wizards, and the book is easy to pick up and flip through the short chapters instead of having to read it cover to...

To Infinity and Beyond!

I have mentioned the magazine cover indicator before on this blog, and there is a new academic paper out in the current FAJ on the subject - "Are Cover Stories Effective Contrarian Indicators?".The Economist had a good review of the article titled, "Covered in Shame".Abstract: Headlines from featured stories in Business Week, Fortune, and Forbes...

Hedgies Piggybacking

One of my favorite topics on World Beta is mining the SEC filings for hedge fund ideas. Judging by how many people have bookmarked the portfolios on Stockpickr, they are the most popular topic on the blog as well. The 13Fs come out in a week or so, and we will be updating the Hedge Consensus, Activist...

Want to Invest in DE Shaw?

Most of the top hedge funds in the world are closed to new investors. Or, if they are open to investors the minimums are so high only the top echelon of the rich and institutions can access them.However, what if I told you that you could invest in similar funds with no minimum, daily liquidity, AND you could do...

Emanuel Derman’s Blog

Just came across his blog - it's a good read. He is a much more sophisticated and academic (I consider myself a quant lite), but does a good job of distilling complex ideas into simple explanations. He is also the author of "My Life as a Quant".