
Just added The Capital Spectator to the Blogroll. Picerno has a great article on the global capital markets portfolio – and so far no ETF shop has gotten it right (they usually exclude commodities and REITs). My estimates for the global market portfolio are (comment if you have links or better numbers):

(I consider the real estate portion to be investable, it would certainly be bigger including non-investable):


Picking up genes from your environment? Sounds like Bioshock (which is now going to be a movie).


This sure is a bizarre story: Broadcom co-founder indicted on drug, securities charges.

In 2001, Nicholas smoked so much marijuana during a flight on a private jet between Orange County and Las Vegas that the pilot had to put on an oxygen mask, the indictment states.


Books recommended by Warren Buffett


The oil fields of North Dakota


Seth Klarman now owns 25% of Horizon Lines (HRZ) and Tiger another 8%.


Cool graphic from Ben Fry on salary vs. performance in MLB. Almost looks like an inverse correlation this year. It looks like historically that higher salaries = more wins, and here is a great scatterplot from 1997-2005. (The graphic is from Matt Sly, creator of the FutureMe website.)