Weekend Linkfest

I always save old copies of Barrons that had investment ideas I found interesting, but wanted to revisit at a later time. I then end up losing them and forgetting about the investment thesis – which is why ImpactOven looks like a cool new site.


The consumer is definitely not buying.


Because of the high taxes in Denmark, the #1 finisher in the World Series of Poker actually comes in 2nd.


Some historical perspective on corporate bond yields and the unemployment rate.


Trimming the hedges.


A similar system to my model to help keep you out of bear markets. . .


Ron Paul answers your questions.


This is sad to see – deCode looks like they are in serious trouble. This was almost my first job after college – I wonder where I would be today had I taken it. . .


Why the US should move to make hedge funds available to the retail investor. You know I agree.


I wrote an article on Forbes moving into the aggregator space a year ago. Their “offer” was to manage the ads on the bloggers site, and then to take 60% of the revenue from the ads on the bloggers site. Wha?

To make matters worse, all they have done is run ads for the Forbes network for the ENTIRE PERIOD. Ridiculous. The fact that everyone keeps bungling the aggregator opportunity makes me want to start Bloggerator just out of spite.


PS I’m trying out Disqus’s comments plug-in, let me know what you think of it. . .