
Looong interview with yours truly at the Kirk Report.


When is someone going to launch a currency momentum ETN?  Anyone, anyone?  And no, I’m not counting the S&P FTI (sister of the DTI and CTI).


A reader (HT: RK) emailed in suggesting that the two funds (ICMYX and ETGLX) from my Tiger Cubs post are not correctly characterized by Morningstar since they both hold lots of cash and bonds – which even further validates my point –  the Tiger Cubs portfolio would now be the #1 performing diversified stock mutual fund YTD.  So, my apologies – there are zero diversified equity funds up on the year out of 9000.  The free Tiger Clone portfolio is here.


Lots of magazine cover indicators firing on gold.


Losers with Winners’ Brains.   (HT: Sea)


Run, don’t walk, to this paper:

"Rules of Prudence for Individual Investors" by Mark Kritzman of Windham Capital.

Hulbert review here