Behind the Numbers

I don’t understand why more conferences don’t do this (record the speeches).  I couldn’t goto Barry’s Big Picture Conf but am estatic to have the option to pay to watch the videos.


I’m flying to Seattle (and perhaps a stop this weekend on the San Juan or Vancouver Island) for a talk at the MTA conference Friday.  Please say hello if you’re there!

I polished off a book on the way written by forensic accountant and fund manager John Del Vecchio and Motely Fool Tom Jacobs.  (Ignore the irony of reading a book on fundamentals on the way to a technician’s conference.)  Del Vecchio spent time at both Schilit’s and Tice’s shops, and now runs the Active Bear ETF as well as other funds.

What’s Behind the Numbers?: A Guide to Exposing Financial Chicanery and Avoiding Huge Losses in Your Portfolio

Anyways, it is a great book and deserves a spot on the bookshelf as one of the better case studies into how to short stocks.  I talked them into letting me share the first chapter of the book here:

The Real Risk of Stock Investing