The Best Investment Writing Volume 3: Frazer Rice – Preparing For The Hurricane Of Wealth
Author: Frazer Rice is a Senior Wealth Strategist, based out of Calamos Wealth Management’s Midtown offices in Rockefeller Center. Frazer provides Wealth Strategy guidance to individuals, families, institutions, endowments, and small businesses. He also serves as an in-house resource for advisory teams to consult on complex matters affecting high net worth and ultra-high net worth individuals and families. As the author of the book “Wealth, Actually: Intelligent Decision-Making for the 1%,” released in 2018, he draws on anecdotes from his professional career in covering key wealth-management topics for prosperous individuals.
Run-Time: 18:54
What is this Episode? Last year when we published The Best Investment Writing Volume 2, we offered authors the opportunity to record an audio version of their chapter to be released as a segment of the podcast, and listeners loved it.
This year, we’re bringing you the entire volume of The Best Investment Writing Volume 3 in podcast format.
You’ll hear from some of the most respected money managers and investment researchers all over the world.
Enough from me, let’s let Frazer take over this special episode.
To Read the Original Piece:
Visit the Wealth, Actually website, and Frazer’s book, by clicking here
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