The Best Investment Writing Volume 5: Laurence Siegel, CFA Institute Research Foundation – Debunking Nine and a Half Myths of Investing

The Best Investment Writing Volume 5: Laurence Siegel, CFA Institute Research Foundation – Debunking Nine and a Half Myths of Investing


Author:  Laurence B. Siegel is the Gary P. Brinson director of research at the CFA Institute Research Foundation, senior advisor to OCP Capital LLC, and an independent consultant, writer, and speaker specializing in investment management.

Run-Time: 28:31

What is this Episode? Last year we brought listeners the entire volume of The Best Investment Writing Volume 4, in audio format, right here on the podcast. Listeners loved it, so we’re running it back again this year with The Best Investment Writing Volume 5.

You’ll hear from some of the most respected money managers and investment researchers from all over the planet.

Enough from me, let’s let Laurence take over this special episode.

To read the original piece, click here.

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