Rule #1

Stock markets are risky. According to Bespoke, I count about 8 that are down more than -40%.How long is that going to take you...

Weekend Linkfest

Is the stock market decline nearing an end?----I love my iPhone, and will probably trade in my old one via Flipswap for the new...


I really don't get most of these aggregators - here is a new one Streetread....I need less news that is more useful, not more...

Arnott’s Diversified Portfolio

From an article over on IndexUniverse titled "Liquid Alternatives: More Than Hedge Funds" by Rob Arnott and John West.Below is how an investor could...

Buying a Dollar for $0.90

Long term readers know I am a big fan of buying closed-end funds at discounts and selling them at parity. Closed-end funds are...

Results of the 2nd Book Cover Design Contest

35 entries of varying quality. . .Worth1000 book cover design contest.

What Will the 21st Century Look Like?

The markets are closed and I am outta here for some fish tacos, some beach, some surf, and some bbqing. If you need...


Least surprising news item from today.----For the data junkies, a ton of Excel sheets with historical market returns over on Global Financial Data.----Interesting interview...

Mean Reversion After Bad Months

Does your investment approach have you in the dark? Feel like having an advisor or portfolio manager is like the blind leading the...


Do you know the only commodity market where futures trading is banned? ---- Of the last 10 GMs hired in MLB, 6 have been age 40...