When Markets Collide

I just read El-Erian's new book When Markets Collide this past weekend. Am I the only person to notice that his allocation only...

Asset Allocation vs. Interest Rates

I created a Google Custom Search Gadget and added it to the World Beta toolbar. It searches only the top 50 investment blogs....


Just added The Capital Spectator to the Blogroll. Picerno has a great article on the global capital markets portfolio - and so far...

Stock Screening

So far it doesn't look like there have been any studies that divide factor research into bull/bear or trend periods. If there are...


Investing in farm stocks all over the world.----A very cool Magnetic Movie.----For Ray Kurzweil, the Future is Now. Did you know he runs...

Periodic Table of Returns

Here is a nice table from Prudential that shows the benefits of a good asset allocation. The second page has a statistic that...

Weekend Linkfest

You know you've made it as a blogger when someone gets to your site by searching "how to blow something up" (currently 5th ranked...

Factor Based Stock Screening for Up and Down Markets

Charles Kirkpatrick has been publishing his market newsletter for decades. His simple factor based stock-screener has been beating the pants off the market...

Books in the Mail

The Intelligent Portfolio: Practical Wisdom on Personal Investing from Financial Engines by Bill SharpeHedge Funds: An Analytic Perspective and The Heretics of Finance:...

Alternatives Review

Occasionally I take a look at the US listed alternative funds. Below is their performance year to date. With equities down around...