Tweets of the Week

Travel: Tahoe, NY, FL, Amsterdam…

Come out and say hello!  Or if you wanna schedule a coffee/beer, shoot me an email...   OCTOBER Lake Tahoe & Reno, NV, Oct 4-7 (Riskalyze Conference) Los Angeles, Oct 24, MarketWatch Speech NOVEMBER New York, Nov 2, (EBI Speech) Orlando, FL, Nov. 3-4 (AAII Speech) San Diego, CA, Nov 11 (AAII Speech) New York, Nov 27-29 (Speech) Amsterdam, Nov 30-Dec 1 (Speech)

You Don’t Have to Play

I've spent the last day marinating over this quiz I posted to my Twitter followers.  I asked a series of three simple questions you can see below.  The answers are surprising to me...there were 1,200 to 2,200 votes so a decent sample size.  The Qs and As: Do you currently own US stocks?  87% said Yes Would you continue...

Free Books!

To celebrate the launch of the newest book, I made all of my self-published books free to download on Amazon this week...enjoy the summer reading!   Best Investment Writing Vol 1  

The Best Investment Writing

If you've been following this blog (and now Twitter and podcast) for long enough, you know I struggle with curation. My frustration with all the investment noise out there prompted us to start The Idea Farm, and we started doing an annual post of the best investment reads of the year.  Fast forward, and well, it's now a book that...