The Value In Following The Smart Money

My first article for Forbes was published about 10 days ago where I profiled how to piggyback Seth Klarman. The first stock we talked about...

The Value of Content SeekingAlpha Has Received For Free

is somewhere between $2.8 million and $55.5 million.  I'll get to the math in a minute. I originally allowed SeekingAlpha to repost my content because...

Three Must Reads

The Hidden Risks of Risk Parity Portfolios - Ben Inker GMO & Forgotten Lessons of 2008 - Seth Klarman's Annual Letter & Interview with James Montier - Simolean...

Investing Based on the Yield Curve – REITs Like it Steep

Here is an old post  where we took at a look at investing based on the yield curve.  I updated the charts here with...

Paulson’s #2 – Paolo Pellegrini’s PSQR Fund

Nice article about Paolo Pellegrini's PSQR Fund over on Prag Cap (via Altucher).  Paolo is featured heavily in the very good book The Greatest...

Links and a Long Short ETN Launch

Is anyone going to Andrew Lo's presentation at the CFA Society here in Los Angeles next week?  If so come say hello. ---- Betting on the...

The Folly of Forecasting

I was cleaning out some files and came across the fantastic James Montier PDF "The Seven Sins of Fund Management". (If you want the...

I Spent My Weekend

trying to figure out what in the world Currensee, the new social network for currency traders, could possibly spend their $8mm venture round on. ...

Momentum Studies

What academic study has the most historical data for momentum?  Most studies I see go back to the 1960s at the most. Good listing of...

Hedge Fund in a Box

Greenlight Capital Re (GLRE) hitting new all time highs recently.