Memorial Day Weekend
I bet Warren Buffett is cracking one open this weekend. BUD at all-time highs. (From Stockcharts)Also got a new book on the way:...
When Buyouts Boom
Nice day for hedge fund favorite QCOM, up 4%.----Brevan Howard announces €1bn LSE float for a fixed income/global macro fund.Once again, not in the...
13F Hedge Fund Best Ideas and Consensus Approach
Looks like another great quarter for the hedge fund tracking strategies. My previous observation that the funds exhibit similar downside volatility and much...
Want to blow something up?
My all time favorite YouTube to take you into the weekend (Spike Jones: Lakai- Fully Flared Intro) - I'll be enjoying myself in the...
Buffett the Endowment Manager
I downloaded a few of the sample PDFs at 13D research, and Kiril Sokoloff puts out some pretty interesting pieces.----What's the point of indexing...
Lighthouses Rule
I will be in SF Friday - Tuesday if anyone wants to meet up.----The 13fs are rolling in and I will be updating the...
Buy the Rumor, Short the News
I am a big fan of David Einhorn (haven't yet had the chance to read his book), so I was glad to see the...