Hedge Fund Masters

All the 13Fs are in and the rebal has taken place for AlphaClone. I started tracking a "Hedge Fund Masters" Clone in Jan 2007 that in backtests showed historical outperformance of about 6-12% per year.  (I did those tests by hand and it took me an entire month.) The ten most popular stocks from ten of my favorite hedge fund...


Some nice Memorial Day Pics. ---- The End Draws Nigh ---- Selecting active mutual fund managers. ---- This is completely unrelated to the markets but I think a really cool project! One of my good friends in producing the documentary film, "The 100 Years Project".  If you are interested consider visiting the website and donating a little coin...(the director and producer are both Emmy award winners...

Everything She Does is Magic

It's rebalance week for AlphaClone and all the 13Fs are in.  Do my long time readers remember the World Beta Hedge Fund Masters Clone we started tracking in Jan 2007?  We found historical outperformance of about 6-12% per year in backtests I did by hand.  I shudder thinking about how long that took me. The ten most popular stocks from...

When to Buy? When to Sell?

Will be in Phoenix/Scottsdale the rest of the week. ---- Ha!  Meb Fabor....I guess that is not as bad as Melanie Faber when I first published the GTAA article. . . ---- People often ask me if buy and hold is dead (or make comments about my model "disproving" buy and hold).  Look, I have no problem with buying and holding asset classes...

Mean Reversion (also 500th post!)

I have written a lot of posts on mean reversion in the past.  Here is a post from September that is a good summary post including links.  Summary: In one study I examined asset class performance after a really bad month. The take-aways from this study were: - It does not pay to buy an asset class after a really bad...

Beach Weekend Reading

I took his class back in college (Spring '00) and here is the reading list for Blue Ridge Capital (HT: Market Folly) John Griffin's Reading List also, here's Passport's as well: John Burbank's Reading List great stuff!  

Investing 101

Thanks for all the suggestions.  (I blogged asking what the best intro book to investing is for a high school graduate.) The overwhelming favorites were "Intelligent Investor" by Ben Graham, and "The Only Investment Guide You Will Ever Need" by Tobias.  There was then a looong laundry list of other titles (check out the comments here to see the books...

Late Week Diversion

I originally thought this might be NSFW, but fiat currencies having sex is hardly X-rated. Now you all know the odd reader emails I get everyday...(HT:SD.)

Value Investing Congress

I was going to do some live blogging from the VIC this week in Pasadena until I found out the conference didn't have wireless.  Instead, I took a bunch of notes to post later (ie did you know Lebanon has 30% of their GDP in gold?), but then noticed that Zain at The Manual of Ideas did a far...

Some Recent Milestones and a LinkFest

Blogging has been light due to a heavy travel schedule, but it should pick back up.  I'm headed to the Value Investing Congress in Pasadena if anyone is around this week... ---- Some cool recent milestones: Launch of two private Cambria Funds 500th blog post 25,000 downloads for my paper, putting it in the top 10 all time on the SSRN! ---- Some videos of yours...