Who Can Build This For Me?
I would like a developer, or a development team, to build me a clone of Acorns or Stash.
Their business model is to charge fees...
You Would Have Missed 780% In Gains Using The CAPE Ratio, And That’s A Good Thing
That’s the amount of gains you would have missed had you followed the market timing strategy I’m going to describe in the following article that...
Bond Drawdowns
Ok, a 15% decline on the long bond isn't the end of the world...but how does that look in context to history?
Luckily we have...
The Best Thanksgiving Recipes on the Internet
A few months ago we applied a quant approach to selecting recipes. Let's apply the same methodology we talked about before:
"I’m a quant so...
Research Affiliates has been churning out some great content lately. In their recent piece titled "Timing “Smart Beta” Strategies? Of Course! Buy Low, Sell...
Free Books! Also NYC, DC, Richmond, and OC
Super quick note to remind everyone that our last four Ebooks are free on Amazon for one more day, so don't miss out! Likewise a...
Value and Momentum Starting to Align
Long time readers know that I talk a lot about two ancient investing strategies - value and momentum/trend. Often I will mention that my...
10 Year Blogiversary
Did you know that on this very day in 1512, the Sistine Chapel opened to the public?
Also on this very day in 1952, the...
I’m Investing $85,000
Last week, we announced the launch of a fundraising campaign on behalf of my company, Cambria. If you’ve been curious, yet remained on the...