First Copy of the Book Arrived

Looks great, although I haven't had the chance to flip through it yet.  Should be in stores by the end of the month (finally) ! If you are in the press and would like a copy, drop me a line. . .  

Jim Cramer on The Daily Show

Ha, you know I agree... STEWART: That would be great, but it's not just you. It's larger forces at work. It is this idea that the financial news networks are not just guilty of a sin of omission but a sin of commission. That they are in bed with them. CRAMER: No, we're not in bed with them. Come on. I...

The Volatility of Correlation

Coaker has a couple great papers on correlation and the volatility of correlation.  Below are five charts that examine the one-year rolling correlations between the S&P 500 Index TR and : Foreign Stocks (MSCI EAFE) 10 YR US Govt Bonds Commodities (GSCI) REITS (NAREIT) The red line is the average correlation over the time period 1973-2008.            


Miami March 12 & 13 if anyone is around. (This Thursday and Friday.)

Higher Risk, Lower Returns: What Hedge Fund Investors Really Earn

And I thought mutual fund investors were bad at timing.  Nice new paper, and of course, a great summary from CXO: "The aggregate annualized dollar-weighted return from hedge funds to investors is on average about 4% less than the comparable passive buy-and-hold hedge fund return (compared to 1.5% deficits between...

Is it Time to do a Templeton?

From Investopedia: "In 1939, with Hitler's Germany ravaging Europe, John Templeton bought $100 of every stock trading below $1 on the New York and American stock exchanges. Templeton's trade got him a junk pile of some 104 companies, 34 of which were bankrupt, for a total investment of roughly $10,400. Four years later he sold these stocks for more than...

Closed End Funds Puking

What public funds out there specialize in closed-end fund discounts or arbitrage? My list is below that I will add to: ADANX FOF GCE (No volume, ETN) TFSMX Leave a comment if you know any others.

Tracking the Hedge Funds with the Biggest Cojones

"Concentrate your energies, your thoughts and your capital. The wise man puts all his eggs in one basket and watches the basket." - Andrew Carnegie One of the coolest features in AlphaClone is the ability to view dynamic groups.  One such group we call "Concentrated Funds".  Concentrated Funds are managers who have a large overall portfolio value but spread across...


AQR launches the diversified arb fund (ADANX).  The Fund invests in a combination of arbitrage strategies such as merger arbitrage, convertible arbitrage, and (one of my favorites) closed end fund arbitrage.  But seriously, talk about a low benchmark! 90-day Tbills... ---- Embarrassed to work in finance? ---- Great PDF here from Witney Tilson - "Words of Wisdom" "One way of dealing with information being...

Following Hedge Funds Through 13F Filings is a Terrible Idea

Okay, maybe I should be more clear.  Blindly following hedge funds through 13F filings is a terrible idea.  There are countless sites that focus on hedge fund filings and they are not going to tell you they offer little value, because then they have no reason to exist.  Building a backtesting engine is not a trivial exercise (believe me...