Tbills Yield Nothing, Gold is in Backwardation, and Shilling Hits it Out of the Park

I spent the past weekend in Colorado (go Broncos!), and looked through my father’s library at some of my old books. I grabbed a copy of Shilling’s Deflation to read on the plane ride home (which is currently listed for $600 since it is out of print – hat tip to reader AC). Shilling has been spot on this year, as his recommendations at the beginning of 2008 show amazing foresight:

In the January 2008 issue of his INSIGHT newsletter, Gary Shilling outlined his 13 investment recommendations for 2008.
1.Sell or sell short homebuilder stocks and bonds.
2.If you plan to sell your home, second home or investment houses anytime soon, do so yesterday.
3.Sell short subprime mortgages.
4.Sell or sell short housing-related stocks.
5.Sell or sell short consumer discretionary spending companies.
6.Sell low-grade fixed-income securities.
7.Sell or avoid most commercial real estate.
8. Short commodities.
9. Sell or sell short emerging market equities.
10. Sell emerging country bonds.
11. Buy the dollar before long.
12. Sell or sell short U.S. stocks in general.
13. Buy long Treasury bonds.


I also just finished the great book The Ascent of Money, although had I known I may have waited for the DVD out in med-December. (Book review here.)

Interview with Niall Ferguson.


E-Erian: Resist reblanacing.


Gold is in backwardation.


T-bills yield nothing.