
I feel like I have been on the Moon for the past 10 days – that’s what happens when you lose your laptop charger when on a long trip.


It is better to buy stocks when credit spreads are rising rather than falling (at least for a one month hold). It also looks like spreads are predictable.


I always wondered why a search engine didn’t pay the users to search, and now one does – Scour.


As always, a great review over on CXO of an academic paper. In his September 2008 paper entitled “Black Swans in Emerging Markets”, Javier Estrada investigates the influence of the best and worst days on long-term equity returns in emerging markets. I would bet that the vast majority of the up and down days occur when below the 10-month moving average. And I bet the volatility is much higher in line with my asset class studies here.


Gottex is launching an endowment style fund. And here is more on Harvard’s ’08 results.


If you bet on the election, don’t use real money.


% distance stock markets are from their peak. That means it is going to take a gain of around 150% to get back to even in China, or, roughly five years compounding at 10% per year. Ouch.


A Tiger Cub shuts down. Also, more fund closures here.


I worked in a gene therapy lab in college and remember spilling our prized virus all over the lab (and the resulting two hour clean-up). I am still waiting to see if I get any super powers from the experience. Judson on the Virus.


The TechCrunch 50 Program.


Five Great Investment Papers.


Ok, it’s official. I’m buying a Maserati. Today.


If ever there was a reason to go out and party Tuesday night, this is it…