Einhorn’s interview with the Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission (Santangels)
I would think they could come up with a better name than Harvard Cubs but the point remains. “The (Harvard) class of ‘69 spent a lot of time arguing over tens of millions in compensation and ended up losing $10 billion,’’ said Steven Drobny (Bloomberg)
Video on Dalio (CNBC and here today) and the AR article “Ray Dalio’s Radical Truth” (AR).
“You have to be an independent thinker willing to make mistakes….The biggest impediment to personal improvement is the ego reaction to mistakes…US equities are comparatively cheap and flows are beneficial to them. 2012 developed currencies will devalue relative to emerging which is bullish…Investors don’t have much gold…The Federal Reserve saved us from a depression… A lot of central banks, sovereign wealth funds, and individuals do not hold much gold.”
McClellan has a section of his site that has a free weekly chart. (McClellan)
Trying to decide what to do with JOE? Maybe you should wait till you have to go to the bathroom…(APS)
Is a free Kindle coming? (KK)
Taleb chatting his book (Charlie Rose)