The Best Investment Writing Volume 3: Ray Micaletti – The Smart Money Indicator: A New Risk Management Tool

The Best Investment Writing Volume 3: Ray Micaletti – The Smart Money Indicator: A New Risk Management Tool








Author: Ray Micaletti, Ph.D., is the co-Chief Investment Officer of Columbus Macro, LLC, an investment adviser registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission. In his current role, Ray helps oversee the firm’s investment activities with a particular focus on global tactical asset allocation strategies. Prior to Columbus Macro, Ray spent the better part of his career developing and managing successful systematic investment strategies across a variety of categories including quantitative long/short equity, medium-frequency global macro, and tactical asset allocation, at places such as Fortress Investment Group, Barclays Capital, and MacroSignal Partners (a firm he co-founded in 2011).

Run-Time: 42:32

What is this Episode? Last year when we published The Best Investment Writing Volume 2, we offered authors the opportunity to record an audio version of their chapter to be released as a segment of the podcast, and listeners loved it.

This year, we’re bringing you the entire volume of The Best Investment Writing Volume 3 in podcast format.

You’ll hear from some of the most respected money managers and investment researchers all over the world.

Enough from me, let’s let Ray take over this special episode.

To Read the Original Piece:

Visit Ray’s piece, The Smart Money Indicator: A New Risk Management Tool, on the Alpha Architect blog by clicking here

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