Robert Frost Quote
From a Deutsche Bank white paper:
"We took risks. We knew we took them. Things have come out against us. We have no cause for...
From Worst to First
Gold is universally loved as far as I can tell (when Pratt and the hipsters like it that makes me nervous). Can anyone leave...
Traveling, BuyWrite/PutWrite, and Mean Reversion Follow Up
I will be in Chicago next week at the M* ETF Conference Wed Sep 15th - Fri Sep 17th. Drop me a line if...
Book in Chinese
Apparently my book came out in Mandarin about a year ago and I didn't even know it. Are those gold coins on the front?
More Momentum
Nice Mo review paper by Moskowitz
Also another longer academic paper here Time Series Momentum
We document significant "time series momentum" in equity index, currency, commodity,...
Black Swans Everywhere
From lesbian ballerina sex scenes with Portman/Kunis to a Thom Yorke NSFW song, the phrase black swan is dominating the media. (Trailer and video...
Trendfollowing on Stocks
Apparently it works, and it works best on the most volatile stocks (whod a thunk it?)
The new paper : "A New Anomaly: The Cross...
Too Big to Succeed – Stocks to Avoid (MON, JNJ, PG, MCD, XOM, JPM, GE, MSFT, EXC)
Arnott's monthly letter is a must read. In the last issue, titled "Too Big To Succeed" he examines how the largest market cap company...
Blog Updates
There will be some cool new features and developments coming down the pipe soon for the blog and "other". Stay tuned!
Since a large number...