Value Investing Congress NYC, Summary With Picks
While some of the most famous hedge funds are getting hammered (here and here and here), there are still some top investors presenting...
How to Miss the Housing Crash
A reader emailed in asking me if the timing model would work for housing. I actually wrote an article on a beta allocation...
Value Investing Congress NYC
I'll be traveling for the next week - drop me a line if you would like to meet up. Also, if you're going...
Comments on GTAA model
Well, the market took a huge dump today. If you are following my model you are 80% in cash/bonds, and by the end...
Harvard and Yale Endowments 2008 Performance
was...Harvard: 8.6%Yale: 4.5%Pretty impressive considering stocks were down more than -10% over the same time period. Below is a table of the...
ETFs that generate K-1s
For those looking to avoid the headaches of dealing with K-1's on your taxes, here is a short list of ETFs that require the...