After viewing the responses to our last survey, we have decided to update a few of our white papers and expand upon them. The biggest question I have is, “How do you want to read long form content?”. Since this update will likely be somewhere between 50-300 pages, I would like to poll the readership as to your preferred viewing method. Vote below, as it will have a material impact on how we deliver the content come January…
I will probably wait until year end to include 2011 data, but I envision:
-To A Quantitative Approach To Tactical Asset Allocation and Relative Strength Strategies for Investing.
-Include 2009-2011 data.
-Include more data on long/short portfolios.
-Include more data on combining the two portfolios (ie a momentum rotation with timing component).
All new material:
-Additionally include many more asset classes than the original five such as currencies, small cap stocks, emerging market stocks, foreign bonds, corporate bonds, gold, etc.
-Include alternative indexing strategies.
-Include various allocations, ie more and less aggressive (40-80% in bonds), risk parity etc.
-Include popular guru allocations such as permanent portfolio, endowment, Arnott, etc.
-Include alternative cash management strategies.
-Possibly include chapters on fundamental factors.
This is your chance to pipe up about what you would like to see included…so vote below and/or email me suggestions. If you want to see the material available on more than one device/location vote for more than one choice…