Market Timing is Impossible

That was the response of a certain Nobel Laureate when I tried to get him to read my paper "A Quant Approach to Tactical...

Asset Allocation Backtester, Quant Funds, and Market Timing

Of the 10,002 US Stock Mutual Funds Morningstar tracks, ZERO are up on the year and the average performance is -43.63%.Of the 2,892 Foreign...

You Should Listen to Jim Rogers

From December 2007:Rogers, who is short Fannie Mae shares, is also short Citigroup (C, news, msgs) and highly negative on its prospects, too."Technically, it's...

Global Multi-Asset Fund

PIMCO has a new fund out managed by El-Erian and crew - Global Multi-Asset PGMDX.  Although it looks expensive with a 1.5% managment fee. Fact...

Weekend Linkfest

I always save old copies of Barrons that had investment ideas I found interesting, but wanted to revisit at a later time. I...

Vonnegut on the Financial Markets

I really miss Kurt Vonnegut. From Galapagos, circa 1985: The thing was, though: When James Wait got there, a worldwide financial crisis, a sudden...

Wahoo Wha??

A lot of the endowments are struggling with the recent market meltdown. Unfortunately, my alma mater happens to be one of the worst...

"Risk is what you make of it."

With lots of hedge funds turning in horrendous performance numbers, if I was Ken Griffin (and my flagship fund was down 44%), I would...

2nd Blogiversary

World Beta just reached its second year blogging - 400 posts and counting! Rainy and nasty here in Portland.----It looks like Farallon and...


In San Francisco (Tues and Friday) and Portland (Wed and Thurs) this week.