CQR Weekly Sneak Peek

What I am reading this week: I Want to Break Free - Montier Electica Manager Commentary - Hendry Global Strategy Weekly - SocGen The Holy Grail...

Mean Reversion or the Return of the Bear? Or, How About a July and August Rally?

With most equity-like asset classes putting in some terrible numbers for May, I thought we would dredge up some old research on returns following...

The Reign and Romance of Risk

I was taking the Amtrak from SF to Sacto last night and sped through Redleaf's book Panic: The Betrayal of Capitalism by Wall ...

Killer Lineup at Ira Sohn This Year

Klarman, Tepper, Grantham, Einhorn, Zell, etc. http://www.irasohnconference.com/

A Few Selected Reads From CQR Weekly

Kyle Bass on Japan and Europe The Benefits of Tax Harvesting Insights Into the Global Financial Crisis Profile of Tyler Cowen of Marginal Revolution: "With books, Cowen is...

Mutual Fund Fees

Is there a mutual fund (or ETF) that decrease their management fee as total assets increase?  I've heard Magellan does it but have not...

What Worked Last Week

With most risky assets taking a bit hit last week, I decided to show our Alternatives Update for just last week to see what,...


San Francisco and Sacramento Monday May 17th - Thursday May 21st. Drop me a line if you want to meetup!

New Books on the Way

A couple potentially great books en route: Buy--DON'T Hold: Investing with ETFs Using Relative Strength to Increase Returns with Less Risk - Masonson Panic: The...

Reading List

Asset Allocation Asset Allocation by Roger Gibson All About Asset Allocation by Richard Ferri The Intelligent Asset Allocator by William Bernstein Mastering the Art of Asset Allocation by...