Raptor Global Re-Launch (Old Tudor Equity Fund)
Jim Pallotta is getting ready to re-launch Raptor Global in July. The fund once hit $11 billion and had returns of 14% over 15...
Chicago (next week) & Malware
For those that thought I was going crazy for mentioning I was getting ready for a trip to Chicago next last Monday, my apologies.
The Costs of Managing Buy and Hold Portfolios, or, Why Pay for Beta (at all)?
I was having dinner with a RIA in Malibu (David Kreinces of ETFPM) a couple weeks ago when the topic of fees came up. ...
Shiller P/E Ratios and 10Yr Annualized Real Returns
I was playing around with the data over on Shiller's website the other day and thought I would post a few of the charts. ...
Country Mean Reversion
I've written a bunch about mean reversion, most recently in May but also in my book. One strategy is to look for asset classes...
Airplane Reads
Some airplane reads:
Sovereign Risk: Beyond the Numbers - CreditSuisse
Buy Write or Put Write: An Active Portfolio to Strike it Right - Yang
The Value of...
NAAIM Paper Winner
Below is the paper that won the $10k Wagner Award from NAAIM for best paper. You can download it from the website. (And...
BAC to $27 and More Evidence for Cross Market Mo
Cross Market Mo
The Magic Formula (Arnott, not Greenblatt)
Ira Sohn Recap (so angry I didn't go!)
Yale’s Endowment Returns: Manager Skill or Risk Exposure?
Just out from my friend Peter Mladina of Waterline is a fun paper coming out in the upcoming Journal of Wealth Management Summer Edition. ...