Let’s Talk About Professional Funds
I spend a lot of time talking about our industry (and all the warts and snake-oil that is sold) with the boys at BlackStar...
Lest you think writing a book is a moneymaker
...let a NYTimes bestseller convince you otherwise (HT: Sea):
"If I published only one book a year, and it did as well as this one,...
Becoming a Tiger Cub
...or you can just head over to the Tiger Cubs clone on AlphaClone. Gotta love that NC twang (mine came back for about...
Listed Alternatives Update
This is an update we do every once in awhile that lists some of the the alternative mutual funds and ETF/ETNs. Most really fail...
Hedge Fund Social
New site came across my radar: HedgeHogs.
Reminds me of Albourne Village...
Forbes i-Conference
I have a full hour to yap at the upcoming Forbes i-Conference on December 9th. Resigster here for free (whoops, apparently its $75) and...
The #1 Key to Investment Blogging
What is the key to becoming a popular investment blogger?
I wanted to take a look at the top 50 or so investment bloggers,...
Barclays Diversified Alternatives Trust (ALT) Launches
Well this is interesting....a new product out of Barclays Launches that uses, shhhh wait don't tell anyone....technical analyisis (well they call it technical strategies).
Tactical Asset Allocation Based on the Yield Curve
I spend a lot of time talking about asset allocation on the blog. I've presented quant systems that focus on price based tactical asset...
Monthly Timing Updates E-Mail Newsletter
I think most of the IndexIQ ETFs are silly, but they nailed this one. Merger Arb ETF to hit the market, Convertible arb next?