Who Owns the Stock Up $30 Today?

Well, hopefully you do. That is, if you are following either the Tiger Cubs or World Beta clone on AlphaClone you would own Priceline (PCLN). Those...

Upcoming Reads

Longtime readers know I have a serious reading problem.  I should probably go long AMZN to hedge my book buying issues (ordered 51 books...

Top Books on Investment Bubbles and Stock Distributions

Below is my list of the top books that chat about stock distributions and rare events.  I also included some market history and bubbles...

Killing the Black Swan


Contrarian Signs

Well, not only is Spencer Pratt following me on Twitter (along with 12k other people), but his last post is "I hope you bought...

Victor Niedheroffer’s Review of My Paper: “A Worthless Article”

Below I continue my series of posts highlighting some of the more interesting blogs in my last three years of writing.  The below is...

3rd Blogiversary, and More Posts Updated

When is the time to buy the homebuilders? "2009 is looking great"...ITB is the homebuilder ETF ---- Probably my two favorite posts that highlight my biotech...

Traveling and Feeds

I just unsubscribed everyone from the old email system - if you want to keep up via RSS or email click the links to...

3rd Blogiversary, Risk Parity and Templeton Update

I just realized we passed my third blogiversary.  I thought I would spend a few posts over the next month highlighting some of the...

Looking for an Intern

We're thinking about hiring an intern(s). Location can be anywhere, probably ideal for a recent college graduate, or someone a couple years out....