Global Asset Allocation Summit

I went to the GAA Summit in Carlsbad, CA Feb 1 & 2.    I was looking forward to reconnecting with an old UVa...

Strategic Asset Allocation: Determining the Optimal Portfolio with Ten Asset Classes

A nice review from CXO on a paper from the folks at Robeco.  While I disagree with their expected risk premium for commodities (zero!),...

A Couple Ideas for the Strategic AA Crowd

Besides tax harvesting (selling holdings at losses and switching to a similar index fund), why not move into a fund with big negative capital...

Listed Alternatives

Is there anyone out there doing good work on the listed alternatives space?  Would you be interested in a newsletter discussing the listed alternative...

Triumph of the Pessimists

Does anyone have the HSBC article "The Triumph of the Pessimists"?  Summary from the FT. ---- The first Ivy Book review is up from CXO.  If...

Nice way to track the 10-SMA over on Market Rewind.  

Imagine the Unimaginable

Stocks outperform bonds in the long run.  Well, in the 1800s that was the realllly long run.  70 years long run. Article from the FT...

Book Arrived from Amazon

It sounds like a few people received their copies of The Ivy Portfolio today!  If you liked the book (or if you hated it),  let...

Nice Interview with O’Neil

HT: KP O'Neil Interview  

The D-Process

Required reading: "A Template for What is Going On" A sign of the times - on the way from Amazon: The Great Crash of 1929 Essays on...