Cool New Lecture Site

Check out Academic Earth - great site! (HT: RT & SD) Swensen lecture here. Shiller lectures here. Redleaf (Whitebox) lecture here. Schwarzman (Blackstone) lecture here. 

Off to the Races?

I love this picture. . .  

Compensation Scheme Masquerading as An Asset Class

From the article "Hedge Funds: Where Did That One-Star Fund Go?" (HT: EC) Morningstar certainly selected a lively date to launch its initial batch of...

Two Interviews with Investment Titans

Dalio's Pure Alpha did 14% last year (although All-Weather got clobbered). Nice interview in Fortune mag - "Inside the World's Biggest Hedge...

More Research

Now that the book is (almost) out, I have some time to devote to some more research.  I have a whole stack of ideas...

Timing the Nasdaq Composite

12-Month simple moving average on the Nasdaq Comp back to 1973.  Very similar results as most of the other assets classes we have tested. ...

Investing for the Long Run

Nice chart from Global Financial Data.   Right click and select "View Image" to enlarge.  


Interview with Swensen here, and 2008 update (finally) for the Yale Endowment 2008 fiscal year (ending June 30th, 2008).  ---- Lenny Dykstra sounds like a complete...

First Copy of the Book Arrived

Looks great, although I haven't had the chance to flip through it yet.  Should be in stores by the end of the month (finally)...

Jim Cramer on The Daily Show

Ha, you know I agree... STEWART: That would be great, but it's not just you. It's larger forces at work. It is this idea that...