The Volatility of Correlation

Coaker has a couple great papers on correlation and the volatility of correlation.  Below are five charts that examine the one-year rolling correlations between...


Miami March 12 & 13 if anyone is around. (This Thursday and Friday.)

Higher Risk, Lower Returns: What Hedge Fund Investors Really Earn

And I thought mutual fund investors were bad at timing.  Nice new paper, and of course, a great summary from CXO: "The aggregate annualized dollar-weighted...

Is it Time to do a Templeton?

From Investopedia: "In 1939, with Hitler's Germany ravaging Europe, John Templeton bought $100 of every stock trading below $1 on the New York and American...

Closed End Funds Puking

What public funds out there specialize in closed-end fund discounts or arbitrage? My list is below that I will add to: ADANX FOF GCE (No volume,...

Tracking the Hedge Funds with the Biggest Cojones

"Concentrate your energies, your thoughts and your capital. The wise man puts all his eggs in one basket and watches the basket." - Andrew...


AQR launches the diversified arb fund (ADANX).  The Fund invests in a combination of arbitrage strategies such as merger arbitrage, convertible arbitrage, and (one...

Following Hedge Funds Through 13F Filings is a Terrible Idea

Okay, maybe I should be more clear.  Blindly following hedge funds through 13F filings is a terrible idea.  There are countless sites that focus...

The Ball is Mr. Market

...and the people in this video are buy and hold investors.  A little humor for a nasty day. (Hat Tip: MK)   httpv://


I'm at the DEMO conference in Palm Springs - if any readers are there let me know...