The Best Investing Book

I get asked all the time by friends and investors the same question.  And I don't have a good, single answer. "If you could give a recent college grad just one comprehensive book to learn about investing, what would it be"? Help me out, would love your feedback!  Will post the summarized answers next week...  

CAPE Ratio, Why Have Thou Forsaken Me?

A lot of people look at this bull market, valuations, and think somehow that value has forsaken us.  And that the much discussed CAPE ratio doesn't work.  They look at the CAPE ratio, at a current value of about 30 in the US, and think somehow that markets rising along with multiples expanding somehow invalidates the CAPE ratio.  (We'll...

A Bar Too High

For stocks to meet expectations over next 10 years, valuations must rise to highest they've ever been in history. That's quite a statement.  But it's not my math.  The formula comes from the founder of index investing and steward of the largest buy and hold investment company in the world...John Bogle. Some background: Last year we penned a post on "The John...

BBQ and Brews

Hosting a fun fintech meetup next week if you find yourself in LA...Wed May 17th, come say hello! RSVP and DETAILS HERE    

The Forever Fund

Most investors say they are investing for the long haul.  They say they have a 10-50 year time horizon, but act emotionally on a time frame of weeks, quarters, and years.  So how do you combat these behavioral temptations of chasing performance?  How do you incentivize investors to behave in their own best interest? Our friends at Ritholtz have a...

Paying For A Filet, And Getting Bologna

Most of you reading this are old enough to remember the Beech-Nut fake apple juice scandal in the 1980s.  (I'm not, but Jeff wrote the intro and he's a couple years older than me...) In short, Beech-Nut was marketing “100% apple juice” yet its product didn’t quite make good on this claim. Not only did the drink not consist of...

The Dividend Growth Myth

A few weeks ago, I was sipping coffee, thumbing through Barron's as I do every weekend. It’s a way in which I keep a pulse on what’s going on in our space.   Though I never consciously pay attention to ads, on that particular morning, one caught my eye – a big full pager from Schwab, below. They were trumpeting...