Commodities and Inflation

The stock markets are very close to bear territory (one more day like today and it will be an official bear market in the...

Book Cover Design Contest

Here are three designs from the first book cover design contest. I currently have another contest running on Worth1000 that you can view...

Does This Signal a Top in Commodities?

Kind of like PowerShares launching their private equity ETFs, does the slew of new commodity ETFs signal a top? In my inbox today:iPath®...

Big Brother is Watching

Glad I didn't write my book on Google docs."11.1 You retain copyright and any other rights you already hold in Content which you submit,...


Reading anything interesting? Send me your links. . .----It is always nice to see a model continue to perform out-of-sample. Below are the...

Doggy Dogs

I'm not much of a ranter, but it doesn't make any sense to me to continue to focus on dividends when there has clearly...

Sharpe Ratios of Managers

The Sharpe Ratio is a measure of the risk-adjusted return of an investment. While there are a lot of ways to measure risk,...


Princeton-Newport is one of the best performing hedge funds of all time, and for a good review check out the great book Fortune's Formula(more...


How is it that the Celtics are only trading at slightly better than even odds to win the NBA title? From Tradesports:----Brits turning...

When Markets Collide

I just read El-Erian's new book When Markets Collide this past weekend. Am I the only person to notice that his allocation only...