Taking a Mulligan

I promise I will not use a mulligan when I launch any funds (SSRN Paper here). Abstract: This paper provides...

I Want My Two Dollars!

With the recent Bear Stearns news I can't stop thinking about the film "Better Off Dead" starring John Cusack as Lane Meyer..."I want my...

Winning By Not Losing

I believe avoiding loss is the most important consideration in this business. But don't take my word for it - below are a...


For once I agree with Goldstein. I mean, I was driving around LA this morning and passed a billboard with a huge ticker...


Buy and hold got you feeling a little queasy lately? That can (case) of Duff may only help you forget the market for...

Hedge Fund Masters 2008…Everyone Loves Qualcomm

Feeling a little contrarian today? Seth Klarman is, and he is buying some beaten down SLM with a full third of his portfolio....

Idiocracy and Mean Reversion

With politicians getting involved, it is no wonder people are scared of hedge funds. From AllAboutAlpha:Politicians are - quite rightly - sensitive to...

Don’t Wake the Bear Up. . .

Feel like the Big Bear is hiding somewhere? If you're the Nasdaq, he is only 1% away. . .(Painting is "Doubled Back" by Bev...

I am Reading

Happy Birthday Darwin! Or, did T-Rex have a penis?----Evolutionary bio part 2. The Merry Band of Wrigglers.----This business would go under the first...

When Is The Time To Buy Gold Stocks?

Can something as simple as tracking a commodity give predictive insight into what commodity stocks are going to do? Below I outline an...