Global Tactical Asset Allocation
The focus on the blog thus far has been a passive buy and hold approach to investing - esentially, how you divy up your...
Speaking of Crahses
The Nasdaq Composite since 1972 has had two declines over - 50% (- 58% from 1972-1974, - 75% from 2000-2002). The chart doesn't look...
Stock Market Crashes
“The first rule is not to lose. The second rule is not to forget the first rule.”- Warren BuffettHow many investors remember the stock...
Harvard + Yale II
According to the latest updates from the two largest university endowments, Harvard and Yale, the percentages they allocate to various asset classes are located...
Harvard and Yale Endowments
Harvard University sits atop the academic world with a staggering $25.9 billion endowment fund, nearly twice the size of the next biggest endowment at...
Evidence of the benefits of diversification
Modern portfolio theory. Lets look at the risk and return figures for 3 asset allocations since 1972.
1. 100% S&P 500
2. 60% S&P500 & 40%...
Sample Portfolios Beginning 12/31/2006
These portfolios by no means attempt to find the ideal asset allocation for everyone. Depending on your financial situation, the weightings of the assets...
Improvements to Standard Asset Allocation
The academic literature has found a number of adjustments an investor can make to improve upon the typical standard US Stocks & US Bonds...
Diversification & Tracking Portfolios Beginning 12/31/2006
True diversification means moving outside of the typical US Equities and US Bonds to other asset classes. A simple 5 asset class portfolio could...
Risk Parity
Let's take a look at a way to practically implement risk-parity in a portfolio. A traditional 60/40 mix of stocks and bonds can be...