I love the year end year in photos…The below lists are from one of my favorite blogs, Kottke:




2012: The Year in Photos from In Focus: Here’s part two.

Best Photos of the Year 2012 from Reuters.

The 45 Most Powerful Images of 2012 from Buzzfeed:  See also The Best Animal Photos of 2012.

Pictures of the Year 2012 from AFP (Agence France-Presse).

2012: The year in pictures from CNN.

Year in Photos 2012 from the Wall Street Journal.


And also Kottke’s interesting list on new publishing ideas…from his post:

Subcompact Publishing:  Not sure I like the name, but I dig his gist. Here are a few examples I’ve seen:

Evening Edition: A daily roundup of the news brought to you by Mule Design.

29th Street Publishing: They’re building a platform to make publishing Newsstand apps as easy as publishing a blog. Example pubs: The Awl’s Weekend Companionand V as in Victor.

NextDraft: From Dave Pell, a culture-centric newsletter available via email and for iPad/iPhone.

Brief: “Technology news worth caring about”, compiled daily by Richard Dunlop-Walters.

The Magazine: A bi-weekly iOS magazine for tech/internet lovers published by Marco Arment.

MATTER: An outlet for long-form journalism founded by Jim Giles and Bobbie Johnson.

Tapestry: A platform for making tappable iOS publications from Betaworks.