ETF Conference & Links

I am in Chicago next week speaking at the NAAIM ETF Conference. And for the third straight speaking engagement, they have spelled my name wrong (since corrected). If anyone is at the conference, stop by and say hello. (Although I must say the offer to speak at Hedge Fund Royale could have been fun if I...

Warren Buffett is a Colorado Rockies Fan

I am really glad to hear that Warren Buffett is cheering for the Rockies. From the article:Jordan's Furniture, the Warren Buffett-owned local chain famous for commercials featuring brothers Barry and Eliot Tatelman, earlier this year promised free furniture - including sofas, dining tables, beds, and mattresses - to customers who bought between March 7 and April 16, so...

Under a Blood Red Sky

The sunsets here in LA the past two nights remind me of the storyline from "The Road" by Cormac McCarthy. I read it in one sitting on a flight back here. Creepy. (I also ordered his book Blood Meridian.) My best wishes go out to my neighbors to the North and South.--I am eagerly anticipating getting...

The Blow (Up) Fund

Inflation? Nahhhh. Even cocaine prices are up 24% this year. (That is a pic of Raekwon from Wu-Tang, whose new album drops in December.) Barry Ritholtz over at The Big Picture talks a lot about the CPI and how it is a poor indicator of inflation. Below are two charts. The blue line is...

Correlation or Causation? You Decide. . .

So, countries that have high taxes also have large numbers of sexual partners. Maybe I should continue to live in the US and buy a vacation house in Scandinavia?Oddly, Adrian White, analytic social psychologist at the University of Leicester in England rated what he considered to be the happiest countries in the world. According to White’s data,...

Seasonality of Smallcaps and Microcaps

Maybe we should just call this the yawn trading strategy?Pretty much all of the outperformance for small and microcaps comes in January. Here is a link to an earlier post from CrossingWallStreet on this effect. (Also known as the January Effect.)I played around with the French Fama data for awhile, and came up with the following statistics. ...

What I Am Reading

I am a big fan of prediction markets like Intrade, and right now, it is looking like Clinton vs. Guliani. Although, I really wish there were more current event futures - it would be interesting to find out what is really going on with Kobe Bryant.Intrade actually has the Rockies as underdogs to win the World Series....


I think Goldman would call the Rockies making the World Series a 25 standard deviation event. A couple of stats from an article over on"Clearly, they had to believe, or they couldn't have done this, right?Couldn't have become the fifth team in the last 70 years to go 21-1 in any stretch of any season.Couldn't have become...

Hedge Hunters

I am still wet and cold from the Rockies game last night. . .one win away from the World Series! They have won 20 out of the last 21 games. Another streaky guy, Bill Miller, opines on whether or not he is just lucky. --I haven't read Greenspan's new autobiography. Although having gone through an Ayn...

Right Brain vs. Left Brain

This is driving me crazy. I am pretty convinced this dancer only moves clockwise, but people tell me the see it counter-clockwise so I will have to believe them. . .Longtime readers will know I have a reading problem. I pre-ordered a few more books.Create Your Own ETF Hedge Fund: A Do-It-Yourself ETF Strategy for Private Wealth...