A Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing?

The 13Fs are trickling in, and I will be updating the portfolios shortly. A manager I was interested in checking out is MLF...

Mind over Money

Jason Zweig, author of Your Money and Your Brain , has a good interview in Research magazine here.One of my favorite quotes from Zweig:What...

Weekend Reading

The TIPS Bond ETF is up ~ 9% this year, and has had a strong move lately. I wonder why?--Most quants I know...

The Long and Short of China

Chinese closed-end funds are getting to some pretty fat discounts. CAF -28%CHN -20%JFC -19%GCH -16%A simple strategy would be to buy this basket...

Stock Screening

Might stock screening prove the key to your investment success?(Photo from Chema Madoz.)I read Jack Hough's new book Your Next Great Stockon the plane...

Evolutionary Psych

I don't agree with all of this article, but it's a fun read nonetheless. "Why most suicide bombers are Muslim and beautiful people...

What I am Reading

How smart do you have to be to read this blog? I thought I wrote in a breezy and accessible manner, but apparently...

What I’m Reading

Feeling bullish or bearish today? Emotions have ruined many well intentioned investment plans. . .--What's up with all the biotech hedge funds closing their...

Monthly Asset Class Update

(Note: Lest you misread my intentions and failed attempt at sarcasm(as the first comment did), I posted this under the category of what...

"Fooling Some of The People All of the Time"

Here is a speech given by David Einhorn at the 17th annual Graham and Dodd breakfast (via NakedShorts).Even more interesting, it looks like Einhorn...