Holiday Reading List
Books on the way for the holiday season - anything good I need to take a look at:
The Evolution of Technical Analysis: Financial Prediction...
It Is All About Your Timeframe
One of the biggest casualties of the 2008/9 bear markets was investors who had portfolios that were not aligned with their timeframe. Many retirees...
Kirk Report Live Chat Today 5PM Eastern
I'm doing an hour long live chat with Charles Kirk today. It is text based (I type slow) so we have a full hour...
Back to Basics & Bubble, Crash, Bubble, Crash
Two great reads from GMO (Back to Basics: Six Questions to Consider Before Investing) and Hussman (Bubble, Crash, Bubble, Crash)
Seattle & Balancing the Budget
For all those people that missed the Webcast I'll post a link here once compliance is done with it.
I will be in Seattle...
(Not) Listening to the Experts
Great article from Jonah Lehrer titled "Beware Our Blind Seers". He is also the author of "How We Decide".
Added his blog Frontal Cortex to...
WebEx Tomorrow
I'm doing a short WebEx tomorrow, Thursday the 4th to chat a bit about the ETF and liquidity, etc. Join in and ask some...
Great Paper on Pension Funds
Hope Is Not a Strategy - John West, Research Affiliates
In related news, the French Senate just passed their pension reform bill. Here are some...
Sell in May and Go Away (or The Seasonal Switching Strategy, The Best Six Months, The Halloween Indicator)
"Because I believe that all criteria for investing (that is, good betting strategies) should have a logic that isn't time specific, I believe that...
What Hedge Fund Managers Are Killing it This Year?
Long time readers know I love thumbing through 13F hedge fund filings on AlphaClone as both an idea farm and a way to piggyback on...