Learning How to Invest
I get asked all the time by friends and investors variants of the same question:
“What book should I read to learn about investing”?
I still...
FAQs on Share Buybacks for Lawmakers, Journalists, and Investors
Below are some of the best reads on the topic of capital allocation, with a specific nod to share buybacks. Given the amount of...
What Are You Earning On Your Savings Account? (Do You Even Know?)
For those of you with a Cambria Trinity account partnered with Betterment, some exciting news!
Betterment recently announced Betterment Everyday, a savings account that earns up...
The Cannabis Opportunity
Would you like to go back in time and invest in beer companies when the United States ended Prohibition in 1933? You bet -...
I Don’t Feel Overweight
(The below was a tweetstorm I thought I'd republish on the blog...)
I've been very vocal the last few years about the importance of global...