Does CAPE Work on Stocks?

My buds Wes Gray and Jack Vogel  just put out a killer new paper where they asked the above question.  The simple answer is "yes it does". The more interesting answer is 1) there are other cyclically adjusted measures that work better and 2) there is some other factor (you know I like) that reaaaalllly gets the returns flowing.  Our...

How Does the All Market Portfolio Perform?

I enjoyed reading Phil DeMuth's recent book The Affluent Investor.  It's a good overall read on asset allocation for the individual.  At one point he mentions an all market portfolio (from Picerno) that invests in all of the world asset classes in proportion to their market cap. I thought I would add the allocations to the other allocations we posted...

Travel: NYC, Chicago, Dallas

I'm heading to these three cities over the next two weeks for two speeches and one Broncos game.  Drop me a line if you want to meetup! If you are a financial professional that wants me to stop in your city for a speech or meetings, also shoot me an email.  Lots of cities I haven't been to that I...

Best Ideas Conferences

I added a few new listings to the Conferences page on The Idea Farm. Ira Sohn London Alpha Hedge West (Fall - Great summary from MarketFolly) and the new Robin Hood Investor’s Conference (Fall)

Wine and Burgers

 I'm testing to see if this storify link works below...was trying to post some tweets... ---- 4% real returns.  For wine. ---- And for the Broncos game tonite, I'll be making Papa's favorite hamburger: FROM EXPERIMENTING, PAPA’S FAVORITE HAMBURGER. There is no reason why a fried hamburger has to turn out gray, greasy, paper-thin and tasteless. You can add all sorts of goodies and flavors...

Wikipedia/Hoover’s for Hedge Funds

A few years ago I built this basic website to try and archive hedge fund letters.  It obviously needs a refresh but the site is Hedge Fund Letters. I don't care about making any money from the site (but I also didn't want to get sued so was anonymous), but I mainly just wanted to read all of these incredibly interesting...

Chart Review

FinViz is one of the better visualization websites.  Below are some weekly charts for perspective:

Keeping it Simple: Trend and Valuation

My friend John Hussman has done a lot of great work looking at stock returns during different regimes.  At the end of the post is a chart where he looks at some various scenarios and how the market performs.  Below, I simplify it a bit, and just look at US stocks since 1900 across trend and valuation.  Trend is...

Are there Opportunities or Not?

It is interesting to me to hear the famous value guys disagreeing on market opportunities lately.  Some are talking about finding lots of opportunity, while others are returning cash to investors due to lack of opportunity.  I guess it depends on your framework.  Even quants are disagreeing on what they see out there.  Here is a great chart from...

How to Win NFL Pick’em

I posted this article way back in 2010.  It is a simple quant, anti-consensus method to win your NFL (or any sport) pickem league (where you bet against the spread in a closed league).  If you have been following this you would likely have won both weeks thus far in 2013: —- I’ve used a simple betting strategy to win our...