Jackass Investing and Total Loss of Wealth

This book, Jackass Investing,  arrived in the mail yesterday and despite the odd title, it is a really good book. (Note:  In an even more interesting aside, the book was simultaneously published under the title Exploiting the Myths....I would probably have done some testing ala Ferris and goog ads for the title and or cover) Dever touches on some topics we...

Cambria Files to Launch its Own ETFs

Full link here: Cambria Files to Launch its Own ETFs

Experimenting With Umami Dust

So I am headed to a cookout/party for the NFL opening weekend this Sunday, and I need a good recipe for food to take over...any suggestions? I tried making buffalo burgers with a side of kale chips the other nite with this recipe combining umami dust and smashburgers (although I substituted parm cheese for the bonito flakes).  It was kind of...

Active Share in Picking Funds

Nice article here from the good folks at Research Affiliates on picking managers with high active share.  Equity Allocations: Thinking Outside of the Box There has been a lot of research that demonstrates funds selected based on active share outperform (and one of the reasons we like funds on AlphaClone that truly pick unique stocks like Baupost and ValueAct).  (More here...

Investment Paper Competition – $10,000

We've had at least one blog reader win this, let's get another! The National Association of Active Investment Managers (NAAIM) has issued a call for papers for the2012 Wagner Award for Advances in Active Investment Management. $10,000 will be awarded to the author of the best paper with $3,000 and $1,000 awards to the second and third place entries. The grand...


I am going to be doing a bit of travel this fall, drop me a line if you're around and want to meetup! San Francisco, Sep 12-15 Tahoe area, Sep  15-18 Europe, mid/late Oct (Germany, plus maybe a few other stops not finalized yet) NYC, Nov 7-11

What if Newton was a Trendfollower?

Below is the 4th issue of Cambria Quantitative Research (I removed "monthly" from the title since the schedule is a bit erratic).  It was a fun paper to write, and goes to show there's nothing new in investing.  As always, the most important rule is to always survive to invest another day. I like to get these out as soon...

The Japan Playbook

Remember back in March when everyone was talking about the US bond bubble?  Commentators like Taleb were making statements such as "every single human should short treasuries" and even the bond king Bill Gross was shorting them.    However, we did a post on how this was the largest drawdown for the US long bond EVER and historically that...

New Reads In the Mail by Kahneman, Friedman, and Lewis

I was chatting with Antti Ilmanen the other day about some dividend papers and realized I had never read his recently published book Expected Returns .  Wow, big mistake.  While I am not finished yet (it is a loooong and dense 500 pages) it is a wonderful summary melding together historical asset returns with forecasting indicators and common sense....

Shiller CAPE and Inflation

As a follow up to my Shiller PE post from a couple weeks ago, here are some charts that simply look at the Shiller CAPE vs. 12 month trailing inflation.  As you can see, inflation of around 1% to 4% is rewarded with the highest multiples, but once you stay outside those bands watch out for some serious multiple...