
I'm at the DEMO conference in Palm Springs - if any readers are there let me know...

ETF Screener and Backtester

Ahhh, I was wondering when someone was going to launch one of these. . . nice job Marco!  Data back to '00.

SSRN Download Working Again

for those having problems downloading my paper, the SSRN download is working again. . . ---- Nice AlphaClone mention in Value Investing Insight.  Also featured were excerpts from Seth Klarman and Julian Robertson. . .Check out the new lower pricing tier. ---- the Bespoke boys are depressing me today: Since the bear market started on October 9th, 2007, the Russell 3,000 has lost $9.58...

Prospect of Gain

    Just re-read Zweig's excellent book "Your Money and Your Brain".  This was prompted by a reader asking me to cite where I got the phrase in my paper that said "people use a different part of their brain when they are losing money." A couple great quotes from the book: "The neural activity of someone whose investments are making money is...


Looong interview with yours truly at the Kirk Report. ----  When is someone going to launch a currency momentum ETN?  Anyone, anyone?  And no, I'm not counting the S&P FTI (sister of the DTI and CTI). ---- A reader (HT: RK) emailed in suggesting that the two funds (ICMYX and ETGLX) from my Tiger Cubs post are not correctly characterized by Morningstar since...

Why You Should Be Following the Top Hedge Funds

Post updated:  A reader (HT: RK) emailed in suggesting that the two funds (ICMYX and ETGLX) are not correctly characterized by Morningstar since they both hold lots of cash and bonds - which even further validates my point - the Tiger Cubs portfolio would be the #1 performing mutual fund YTD.  So, my apologies - there are zero diversified...

Weekend LinkFest

NYC (and especially Baltimore) are much more dangerous than the Wild West. ---- Change the Y-axis to "Annual Change".  Pretty cool. ---- Seriously, why didn't the soda companies do this 10 years ago rather than wasting all their $ on advertising? ---- A Quant Approach to the Oscars  ---- MoneyBasketBall ---- In the mail, Animal Spirits by Shiller & Akerlof. ---- CXO is all over the place! The Advised Versus the Self-directed Surviving...

This Market is U-G-L-Y

 From the 1986 movie "Wildcats" with Goldie Hawn.  (Although Brazil seems to be one of the stronger countries right now.) httpv://

Quant TAA Paper Updated

For real this time! Somewhere in the Internet ether, between my computer and the SSRN I managed to send in the wrong PDF.  I thank graciously the (many) readers who caught my error.  The good news is the the results were understated in the incorrect paper. Please redownload, and apologies for the inconvenience! Quant TAA Paper here. NOTE:  A number of readers have...

A Quantitative Approach to Tactical Asset Allocation Updated!

I have finally (I think) finished updating my 2006 white paper.  While the Journal of Wealth Management published the 11-page paper in 2007, this 50-page update includes out-of-sample data from 2006-2008 as well as numerous other additions.  There were other sections I wanted to include, but I will probably just move those to the FAQs above.  Please, let me...